Monday, October 15, 2007

Thoughts on Marginalization

Marginalization has always been a major issue within human society. Throughout history, people have been marginalized based on the color of their skin, their national and ethnic background, their gender, their sexual orientation, their religion, and a variety of other factors. Marginalization like this is wrong, because it assumes that because a person is black or Jewish or Polish or gay they have some set of innate differences that set them apart from others or make them inferior. This sort of thinking is highly flawed, as it sets up a whole series of preconceived notions about a person before you have even gotten to know them. There are certain cases of marginalization, such as against people espousing harmful views like racism and misogyny, but these are relatively limited. Although people may have different skins colors, speak a different language, or be attracted to their same sex, we are all basically the samelittle specks of cosmic dust trying to find our way in the endless expanse that is the universe.

-Gregory Proulx

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