Sunday, October 14, 2007

Reflection week 7

At first i thought it might be difficult to pick a topic for my blog this week since we only had one class; this of course was an absolutely ridiculous thought. There have definitely been some differing opinions on whether or not it was appropriate to post the aim chat from Tuesday's class, and whether or not the said chat was relevant. Whether or not it was relevant, Autumn was simply following instructions by posting. I can definitely see how the conversation could be hard to follow and never have been a big fan of chat rooms, but I do feel it was a constructive supplement to the class discussion. That being said everyone is most definitely entitled to their own opinions, and as long as they are prevented respectfully then they are received as such as well. However I would like to say that class blogs probably are not the place to vocalize whatever problems you may have with your floor mates. Whether or not you like to speak to them at all in general, I know that I personally like to address my problems in person. Since blogging seems to be the preferred method I would just like to say that if you have a problem with someone you could actually try speaking to them about it.
In other news, I really would like to suggest that everyone take advantage of all the amazing cultural events D.C. has to offer. There is always a wealth of cultures to explore and the experiences are amazing. Of course, you don't even need to leave the dorm to do this. Talk to people and learn about their home and culture, it is definitely worth it.

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