Monday, October 15, 2007

Reflections on Week Seven

Week seven war fairly quiet, with our discussion on Tuesday about marginalization and our trip to the EU on Wednesday. I've really enjoyed all the discussions I've participated in with Professor Jackson outside of class, for it is one of the major things I have looked forward to in college. In other news, I came across several posts today regarding an AIM conversation that was had in class on Monday, and it seems to have caused a lot of internal strife. I read through the conversation, and couldn't really see why everyone was riled up about. It seemed like the typical AIM chat: poorly-punctuated and unfocused. I don't see how it really related to class that much. The thin that I found most surprising about the whole situation was the fact that it was causing so many problems between people in class.

It's an AIM chat, you guys. Chill. Save your energy for more positive endeavors.

This is one of the reasons I don't have AIM: it magnifies pettiness and drama, both of which I severely dislike. Every time I overhead of incidents like this, I made a choice to preserve my peace of mind!

-Gregory Proulx

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