Saturday, December 8, 2007

Final Reflections!

It’s been a great first semester in UC! I look upon all our excursions, discussions, and laughs fondly and feel grateful to have been a part of this experience. There are fun times and frustrating times, but they all cover far more than a standard academic class. In addition to a challenging and mind opening class, it was even better to be able to relate new concepts to weekly experiences of living in DC. The cultural differences seen in the city combined with the class analysis of how our countries relate to each other definitely leads to a broader perspective on life, both globally and even down to Leonard 7 hall. Living with people who share similar interests and classes was not only more exciting in political discussions, but allows for an experience that taught me more about both myself and about the ways in which others live and think. When I think back on the college years, I know I will definitely remember how they began!

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